The Earth is rhetorically called the world of water. This is because 70 to 71% of the
Earth surface is occupied with water. Our country the Philippines is surrounded with
multiple bodies of water, then why is that despite of this, one of leading problem or
crisis that the most communities are facing is water shortage, how can this be
possible knowing that there is an abundance of water that surrounds our islands.
What is the root of this? And What proposition would you suggest in alleviating
suffering from this crisis?
We know that the low and( or ) negative water pressure in pipes may be due to short supply that can attract the contaminants that may put the water quality at risk when the supply is restored.
>>And also the limited supply obliges the people to let the store more and more water - it implies that if not handled properly, than this will provide more opportunity for mosquitoes to get breeded and consequently increase the cases , such as dengue , etc.
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