The molal boiling point constant of water is 0.51°C/m. If 1 mol cane sugar (342g/mol) is dissolved in 1kg water, the solution will boil at 100.512°C, assuming standard pressure. By this relationship, a half of a module of sugar (171g) would boil at 100 256 C/m and 2 mol sugar (684g) should boil at 101.024°C/m. However, these are not necessarily solutions that can be mixed; 684g sugar of sugar is nearly a pound and a half of sugar, which you are supposed to dissolved in a liter of water!
From the given situation above, why is it important to underatand the constant relating to water?
According to the electroneutrality principle, plasma has to be electrically neutral and the sum of its cations equals the sum of its anions. In addition, the ionic product for water has to be constant. Therefore, the plasma concentration of hydrogen ions depends on the plasma ionic composition.
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