Constructing a Phase Diagram
Visualize a substance with the following points on the phase diagram: a triple point at 0.05 atm and 150 K; a normal melting point at 175 K; a normal boiling point at 350 K; and a critical point at 2.0 atm and 450 K. The solid liquid line is “normal” (meaning positive sloping). For this, complete the following:
1. Roughly sketch the phase diagram, using units of atmosphere and Kelvin. Label the area 1, 2, and 3, and points T and C on the diagram.
2. Describe what one would see at pressures and temperatures above 2.0 atm and 450 K.
3. Describe the phase changes from 50 K to 250 K at 1.5 atm.
4. What exists in a system that is at 1 atm and 350 K?
5. What exists in a system that is at 1 atm and 175 K?
2. Vaporization
3. Liquid
4. Liquid
5. Solid
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