1. Almonds and almond extracts are common ingredients in baked goods. Almonds contain the compound benzaldehyde, shown below, which accounts for the odor of the nut. Benzaldehyde is also responsible for the aroma of cherries.
Use the data provided to calculate benzaldehyde’s heat of vaporization. answer in kj/mol
Vapor Pressure (torr) Temperature(K)
56.8 376.0
679 447.0
2. Which intermolecular force(s) do the following pairs of molecules experience? (Consider asking yourself which molecule in each pair is dominant?)
a. acetone and ethanol
b. pentane and hexane
c. pentanol and water
3. Ethanol and Dimethyl ether are two compunds that have the same molecular formula but diferent structure and chemical properties. Base on their models what is true about them?
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