Evolution Answers

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Answers by our Experts: 327

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Lamarck hypothesized that evolution moves species toward perfection. According to Darwin’s theory, why is this statement incorrect?

Humans_______________ select which traits will ________________ and then

________________ plants or animals with only those traits

1. Go online. Choose a group of organisms you are interested to work with (eg.


2. Download pictures of different species.

3. Print the pictures. In tabular form. list all the characters.

4. Remember that in building cladogram. use only shared derived


5. Construct your cladogram.

which group of organisms would have the most recent common ancestor: the members of clade corresponding to genus or the members of a clade corresponding to an order?

Why is Sustainability science regarded as Transdisciplinary?

What are the practical uses of biological classification

State two ways in which the mating call of the new isolated

Is the species, Homo naledi more related to human beings as compared to other homo species? Expand.
The anatomical and physiological changes that occurred in the evolution of australopithecus anatomic and homo are coupled together. Briefly discus al and physiological differences that led to the evolution species we know it today.
What are the different techniques used in fossil dating? Discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
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