What are the Major Modes/Pathways for Biotransformation and Elimination for the chemical MEK?
Expert's answer
The available evidence indicates that the metabolism of MEK is similar in humans and experimental animals. The majority of MEK is metabolized to 3-hydroxy-2-butanone, which is subsequently metabolized to 2,3-butanediol. A small portion is reversibly converted to 2-butanol
In human studies involving acute inhalation exposure, the urinary excretion of MEK and metabolites and the exhalation of unchanged MEK have been estimated to account for only a small percentage (0.1–3%) of the absorbed dose (Perbellini et al., 1984; Liira et al., 1988). The remainder of the absorbed dose is expected to have undergone rapid transformation to carbon dioxide and water through intermediary metabolic pathways.
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