Penicillin is hydrolyzed and thereby rendered inactive by penicillinase (also known as
b-lactamase), an enzyme present in some resistant bacteria. The mass of this enzyme in
Staphylococcus aureus is 29.6 kd. The amount of penicillin hydrolyzed in 1 minute in a 10-
ml solution containing 10-9 g of purified penicillinase was measured as a function of the
concentration of penicillin. Assume that the concentration of penicillin does not change
appreciablyduring the assay.
(a) Plot V0 versus [S] and 1/V0 versus 1/[S] for these data. Does penicillinase appear to obey
Michaelis-Mentenkinetics? If so, what is the value of KM?
(b) What is the valueof V max?
(c) What is the turnover number of penicillinase under these experimental conditions?
Assume one active site per enzyme molecule
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