
The Midpoint Theorem and Formula

Once a while in mathematics, we really need to find the midpoint between two other points, that is, the point that is exactly in the middle of the two other points. A good example is if you have to find the point at which a line bisects or divides a given line segment into two equal parts. The midpoint formula is quite simple and you should endeavour to know how to derive it for future use.

The midpoint formula can be conceived in terms of finding the middle number that exists between two given numbers such as 10 and 15. By adding the two numbers and dividing by 2, we obtain the exact middle number as follows:


Exactly the same way, the midpoint formula works. Let us consider the following question:

Filed under Math.

Introduction to Conic Sections

In general, conic sections represent the curves obtained from intersecting by a plane some “double-napped” cone (it’s like two cones were put “nose to nose”, perfectly balancing). The term “sections” is used with the same meaning as in science or medicine. In these areas, a little sample (obtained from a biopsy for example) is frozen and then very thin and little slices (they are also called “sections”) are taken to have a view of them under a microscope. When we’re talking about conic sections, we mean what follows when the cones are sectioned at different angles.


Filed under Math.


Logarithms – that is how usually the “inverse” of exponentials are called (just as   division is the opposite of multiplication and subtraction is the opposite of addition). Logarithms “undo” exponentials.

y = bx is equivalent to logby =x

Above we can see the exponential statement “y = bx“.  Then goes the equivalent logarithmic statement “logb(y) = x”. It is pronounced “log-base-b of y equals x”. The “the base of the logarithm” is the value of the subscripted “b”. In an exponential the base b is not equal to 1 and is always positive just like the base b for a logarithm is not equal to 1 and is always positive. No matter what may be aside, the logarithm is usually called the log “argument”. You should make a note of the fact that the base in the log equation and the exponential equation is “b”. Moreover, when one switches between the two equations, the y and x switch sides.

Filed under Math.

Online Chemistry Homework Assistance

If you experience difficulties with your chemistry project at college, if chemistry projects cause a lot of problems in educational process, if you encounter the troubles of carrying out different experiments while coping with chemistry assignment, you are in a strong need of reliable and high quality chemistry help you may get from organic chemistry online service.

Chemistry Project


Filed under Chemistry.

Math Assignment Service

College life is the life period that will be engraved on student’s memory forever! However, it also includes hard-to-solve Math problems that are frustrating and stressful for the majority of students. That’s why many students have to look for Math online services and approach them with the note ‘solve my mathhoping that their fears will be finally shattered.

Solve My Math


Filed under Math.

Dark Matter

When you look up at night, you see myriads of stars spread across the sky. When astronomers look into the deepest reaches of the universe with powerful telescopes, they see myriads of galaxies, organized into large clusters and other structures. This might lead you to believe that the universe is composed mainly of galaxies, stars, gas and dust – things that you can see. However, most astronomers believe that visible matter makes up only a small fraction of the mass of the universe. The majority of the universe is made of stuff we can’t see – so-called dark matter.

Dark matter


Filed under Physics.

Fibonacci sequence

Medieval mathematician and businessman Fibonacci (Leonardo Pisano) posed the following problem in his treatise Liber Abaci (pub. 1202):

How many pairs of rabbits will be produced in a year, beginning with a single pair, if in every month each pair bears a new pair which becomes productive from the second month on?

This problem can be illustrated in such way:

Fibonacci problem


Filed under Math.