The electric potential in some region in space is given by V (r) = C/r where r = p x 2 + y 2 + z 2 and C is a positive constant. (a) calculate an expression for the electric field in this region. (b) note that ~r = xˆi + ˆj + z ˆk and ~r = rrˆ, express E~ in spherical coordinates. Here ˆr is the radial unit vector of spherical coordinates, sometimes denoted as ˆer. (c) Look and report the expression for the gradient operator in spherical coordinates. Re-derive the expression for E~ , now directly in spherical coordinates
"\\vec r = x\\vec i + y\\vec j + z\\vec k"
"\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}(\\frac 1 r) = -\\frac{1}{r^2}\\frac{x\\vec i}{r}"
From symmetric nature of radius formula:
"\\vec E = -\\frac{C}{r^2}\\frac{\\vec r}{r}"
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