derive the expression for penetrating depth of magnetotelluric signals
Electric-magnetic phenomena can be represented by the Maxwell's equations.
"J(t)+\\frac{\\partial \\:}{\\partial \\:t}\\left(D(t\\right))"
Solution to Maxwell's equations in simple medium
"E_x = A e^{\u2212kz}+B e^{+kz}"
"H_y = \\frac{k}{i\u03c9 \\mu_0}(A e^{\u2212kz}+B e^{+kz})"
The homogenous in 1 D
"E_x = A e^{\u2212kz}"
"k =\\sqrt{ i\u03c9 \\mu_0\/\\rho}"
"H_y = \\frac{k}{i\u03c9 \\mu_0}(A e^{\u2212kz})"
At "E_x (z=0)= A \\implies E_x(z=\\delta) = A\/ e"
Therefore, penetrating depth of magnetotelluric signals, "\\delta =\\sqrt{ \\frac{2 \\rho}{i\u03c9 \\mu_0}}"
Where "\u03c9= 2 \\pi f"
Thank you sooooooooooo much.
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