A uniform current J1 = Jocoswtêy flow on the surface z =0,and a second sheet of current J2 = J0sinwtêy flows in the surface z = pic/2w where ey is the unit vector along y and Jo,w are constant.
a) Find solution of Maxwell's equations that fit the boundary conditions with E= B=0 z<0
b) Calculate the flux of the poynting vector field and compare it to average power per unit area that must be supplied to drive these currents.
Unit current "J_1=J_o\\cos\\omega t\\hat{e_y}" current through z =0
And "J_2=J_o\\cos\\omega t\\hat{e_y}" and "z=\\frac{\\pi c}{2\\omega}"
For the Maxwell's equation, for the boundary condition,
"\\oint_c H.dl=\\int \\int_s(J_1.+\\frac{\\partial D}{\\partial t})dS"
"J_{tot}=J+j \\omega D"
"=j\\omega c(\\omega)E"
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