One of the digital integrated circuits that requires investigation is the binary inverter. Build the circuit in Multisim with Vpp = 5V and carry out the following tasks: 1. Obtain the voltage transfer characteristics. (DC sweep of the input from 0-5V) 2. The frequency response. (1kHz – 1GHz) 3. Simulate the circuit for 400ns with a square-wave input: o Amplitude: 5V o Period: 100ns o Rise time:10ns o Fall time: 10ns 4. Add capacitor of 0.1pF at output. Repeat the steps above. 5. Add capacitor of 0.5pF at output. Repeat the steps above. 6. Add capacitor of 1|5pF at output. Repeat the steps above. input output Figure 2 Digital Inverter
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