If (an) converges to a and (bn) converges to b show that (an+or - bn) converges to (a+or - b)
For given ε > 0, there exists a positive integer "N_1" such that
"n> N_1" implies |"a_n-a" | < ε/2.
Moreover, there exists a positive integer "N_2" such that
"n>N_2" implies |"b_n-b" | < ε/2.
Let N := max{"N_1,N_2" }. If n > N, then by the triangle inequality we have
"|(a_n \u00b1 b_n) \u2212 (a \u00b1 b)| \u2264 |a_n \u2212 a| + |b_n \u2212 b| < \\dfrac{\u03b5} {2} +\\dfrac {\u03b5}{ 2} = \u03b5"
This completes the proof. If "(a_n)_{n=1,2,...}" is a convergent sequence, then the above theorem tells us that
"lim_{n\u2192\u221e} (a_{n+1} \u2212 a_n) = lim_{n\u2192\u221e} a_{n+1} \u2212 lim_{n\u2192\u221e} a_n = 0."
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