Is there such a thing as a quantum wormhole and if so would it answer the problem of Quantum entanglement
Expert's answer
The existence of quantum wormholes would make the quantum mechanics and Einstein's general relativity agree with each other. However, the existence of such wormholes is a problem since 1935 and is still in doubt.
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David Epstein
12.07.19, 06:42
Thank you for the response to my question, I have always thought about
the universe as a theater that we inhabit and your career’s purpose
is to give us an insight to the working behind the curtain.
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Dear David Epstein, You're welcome. We are glad to be helpful. If you liked our service please press like-button beside answer field. Thank you!
Thank you for the response to my question, I have always thought about the universe as a theater that we inhabit and your career’s purpose is to give us an insight to the working behind the curtain.
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