1. Say, Mr. X runs on a plain land and jumps from a spot in forward direction. Recognize and
describe his jumping motion through an equation and make an argument for your answer.
"\\text{Let at the moment of the jump mr.X has the following speeds:}"
"v_x - \\text{instantaneous speed of movement horizontally }"
"v_y - \\text{instantaneous vertical speed}"
"\\text{Then the coordinates mr.X will be:}"
"x = v_xt(1)"
"y = v_yt -\\frac{gt^2}{2}(2)"
"\\text{The equations (1) and (2) coincide with the parametric}"
"\\text{ equations of a body thrown at an angle to the horizon.}"
"v=\\sqrt{v_x^2+v_y^2} \\text{ -body speed}"
"\\tan \\alpha= \\frac{v_y}{v_x};\\alpha-\\text{throw angle}"
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