A magnetic field is produced inside a cubic chamber of volume A and the electromagnetic waves propagate at the speed of light C. If some other particle is present in this chamber, list the four conditions under which this particle of mass m will experience a force-free "life".
Forces on particle :
Since, here we have in this box, a magnet hence, it creates magnetic field and magnetic materials would experience force.
Also since the electromagnetic wave travels with C speed of light implies medium is vacuum, therefore below are the 4 main conditions under which if satisfied then particle of mass m inside box going to experience " No force "
- Box is in free fall, that is g = 0, hence therefore is no gravitational force acting on any mass.
- All particles must be very little charged either positive or negative, so that there is no force among itself. Because due to mass all are attracted but if they have little similar charges so that net attraction force due to gravitational is equals to the bet repulsion due to electrostatic force.
- Particle must be diamagnetic in nature, that is net spin moment is 0. By this property it is unaffected by the magnetic field present inside box due to magnet.
- There should be no net electric field, so that there is no Coulomb’s electrostatic force on the charged particles, or box is made up of metallic conducting material which is also diamagnetic like Cu etc, so that there is electric field shielding.
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