Consider the surface charge density ρs = 14 µC/m2 distributed on the interface of two dielectric
media. The permittivity of medium 1 is ɛ1 = 3 and of medium 2 is ɛ2 = 2. Now consider that the
magnitude of the static electric field E1 at a point P1 in medium 1 makes an angle θ1 with the normal
and will propagate in medium 2. Determine the magnitude and direction of the transmitted electric
field intensity at point P2 (adjacent to the point P1 but in medium 2) in medium 2. Next revert the
permittivity of the mediums (ɛ1 = 2 and ɛ2 = 3) and again find out the magnitude and angle. Please
analyse the two results.
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