what istRadioactivity? and explain properties of radioactive rays?
Expert's answer
Radioactivity is the particles, which are emitted from nuclei because of its decay. α-radiation: composed of two protons and two neutrons, the alpha particle is a nucleus of the element helium. Because of its very large mass (more than 7000 times the mass of the beta particle) and its charge, it has a very short range. β-radiation: beta particles are just electrons from the nucleus, the term "beta particle" being an historical term used in the early description of radioactivity. The high energy electrons have greater range of penetration than alpha particles, but still much less than gamma rays. The radiation hazard from betas is greatest if they are ingested. The emission of the positron is also called beta decay. γ-radiation: gamma radioactivity is composed of electromagnetic rays; the most dangerous because of its ability to penetrate large thicknesses of material. [1] https://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/index.html
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