Calculate the ionization energy of doubly ionized Lithium, which has Z=3. Construct also the energy level diagram for it
Expert's answer
Doubly-ionized lithium is hydrogen-like atom. Atomic ionization energy can be predicted by an analysis using electrostatic potential and the Bohr model of the atom. For this model ionization energy will be: E= −(Z2 13.6[eV])/n2 where Z - nuclei charge. n - principal quantum number. So, for Li2+ (Z=3) energy diagram will be something like this: n=1. E1=-122.4 eV n=2. E2=-30.6 eV n=3. E3=-13.6 eV …..................................... n = infinity E = 0 (vacuum level) When n=1, corresponded E = 122.4 eV – this is ionization energy for ground state.
In the formula for energy of the given level one assumes that energy
on infinity equals 0. It is preferable for atom to have electron near
the nucleus, not on infinity, so energy of such a state should be
lower than for state with nucleus and electron spread on infinity.
Thus, it should be negative.
07.08.14, 06:17
Thanks, but... Where did the negative sign go?
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In the formula for energy of the given level one assumes that energy on infinity equals 0. It is preferable for atom to have electron near the nucleus, not on infinity, so energy of such a state should be lower than for state with nucleus and electron spread on infinity. Thus, it should be negative.
Thanks, but... Where did the negative sign go?
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